| 1. | My goal in life is to is a great stand up comedian 我的人生目标是当一个出色的脱口秀谐星。 |
| 2. | My goal in life is to make people happy 我的人生目标是让别人快乐。 |
| 3. | Speaking good english is my goal in life 说好英语是我人生的目的。 |
| 4. | My goal in life is to help others 我的人生目标是帮助他人。 |
| 5. | My goal in life is to be rich 我的目标就是要有钱。 |
| 6. | My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog thinks i am 我生活的目标就是成为一个我的狗都会认可的好人。 |
| 7. | The sole criterion to determine heather one should do something or not : does it bring me closer my goals in life , on the win - win - win basis 用来衡量某件事应否做的标准只有一个:那是否使我在三赢的基础上更接近我的人生目标。 |
| 8. | The sole criterion to determine whether one should do something or not : does it bring me closer to my goals in life , on the win - win - win basis 用来衡量某件事应否作的标准只有一个,那是否使我在三赢的基础上更接近我的人生目标。 |